Saturday, March 22, 2008

Day 36 – Thirty Six Days

Not much is said in the Bible about Saturday, the day after Jesus died.  I am writing this on a Saturday, the day after ‘Good Friday,’ and the day before Easter.  I am imagining what it must have been like.  Last week a young man was killed in a wreck.  He was twenty-nine.  He was killed on a Wednesday and the funeral was not until this last Tuesday.  Every day was hard.  I wonder if that was the experience of the disciples.  I wonder if they were shocked.  Jesus, who had been their teacher, the leader of their lives for the last three years, was brutally executed.  Were they ‘at loose ends’?  Did they wonder what they should do with their lives now, in this new reality?  Was it all over?


The gospel writers pick up the story on Sunday morning.  It begins with Mary Magdalene.  Jesus had had a profound impact on her life.  She was determined to honor him in his death.  She and another Mary had gone to the tomb.  The stone had been rolled away.  I am sure that it was for their benefit.  I doubt if Jesus needed help getting out.  Jesus revealed himself to Mary and sent her to tell the ‘brothers.’  They investigated, but were still in this post-death shock.


That evening, on the first day of the week, they were behind locked doors (John 20:19) and Jesus came and stood among them.  He said, “Peace be with you.”  That is what they needed.  And that is what we needed and need.


The message is, “This is not over.  This death is not the last word.  You are not at loose ends.  Peace be with you.  I have something for you to do.  Don’t be selfish.  Don’t quit.  As the Father sent me, so I send you.” 


When the waiting is over, this is the answer.  You can go on.  Jesus breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”  He was saying, “God will be with you.  You are not without power.  You have the capacity to ‘so love the world.’  Peace is no fantasy.”

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