Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day 23 - Thirty Six Days

John 3:22 (NRSV) After this Jesus and his disciples went into the Judean countryside, and he spent some time there with them and baptized.

“He spent some time there with them and baptized.”

Jesus was spending time with his disciples. I suppose that is not remarkable. What is interesting to me is our interest in being disciples of Jesus and the question of time spent.

Annie Dillard wrote a book called The Writing Life. She was meeting with a group of people who said that they wanted advice on how to become writers. She was hard on them. She recommended that they take a axe to their lives. She said nothing changes until you totally reframe your priorities. You are not a writer because you are busy with other things. Your schedule is full. You have chosen to be a parent. You have chosen to be whatever your profession is. Your mind is full. Your life is full. Take an axe and start brutally cutting those things away and then maybe, maybe (if God has called you to be) you will be a writer.

At lot of people want to go to heaven because hell just seems to be such a bad future. What is the least I can do to prevent that? That is not what we are doing, however. That is not the Christian enterprise. The Christian enterprise is to follow Jesus, to do the things that Jesus did.

John 20:21 (NRSV) Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

They went to the countryside and “he spent some time there with them and baptized.” Would you be willing to spend time with Jesus? Are you interested in that? Would you be baptized (immersed) into that? How would you, will you, can you, spend time with Jesus?

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