Friday, February 29, 2008

From Southeast to Cite Soliel

Southeast Church of Christ in suburban Houston has a new mission engine! We were introduced to the ministry of HFHC in May of 2007. Jayson Henry and Scott Allen traveled with Rick Fyffe to work on some promotional materials for the ministry. Jayson and Scott came back to Southeast as if they had been to Bible Camp. They were covered with the Spirit of God, taken captive by the work that Debbie Vanderbeek and Rick Fyffe were doing. In July, Lanny Partain, one of our elders traveled with me to participate in the summer conference for the teens who are in HFHC schools. Our experiences in Haiti, the strong leadership of Debbie, the influence of Jean Teyrard Elmera, the passion of Sandy Besso, Julie Georges, and Phil Smith convinced me that this ministry fit the heart of Southeast. We needed to partner with HFHC.

At Southeast we are on a journey of re-hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. We hear him say, “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe the gospel.” In Jesus, God is breaking in to set the world right. Those who will believe this good news are not only being personally changed, but they are also being called to participate in the mission of God. Christians are those who are interested in being sent into the world to set the world right. We are those who care for ‘the least of these’ because God cares. Southeast has been on God’s anvil for a while, being shaped by this missional perspective.

In November, Rick came to Southeast to speak about Hope For Haiti’s Children on a Sunday morning. We do not share our Sunday morning with just anyone! We do not have dry missionary reports on a Sunday morning in a thriving suburban church. Rick came with some packets, thinking that our people would be ready to support as many as twenty children. We had already agreed to send $1,000 each month for the support of the school in Cite Soleil. When Rick spoke, our people were ready to hear. They were also ready, and that is an understatement, to partner with HFHC to change the world. Over one hundred people have asked to sponsor a child from Cite Soliel. That has brought our annual commitment to HFHC to $50,000. Our intention is to send our people to Cite Soliel to meet their sponsored children, to see the church/school, and to know that in this one place they are partnering with God to set the world right. The kingdom of God is breaking in at Cite Soliel and at Southeast. It is beautiful!

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