Sunday, February 10, 2008

Day 1 - Thirty Six Days

John 3:16 (NRSV) 16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

This is a Scripture that most people have heard. I don’t know if it still happens, but sports fans used to see someone at the game holding up signs reading “John 3:16.” John Mayer has a song called “Belief,” that asks “Is there anyone who ever remembers changing their mind from the paint on a sign? Is there anyone who really recalls ever breaking rank at all for something someone yelled real loud one time?”

Where could one hear this Word from John 3:16? Where could we consider that the world was loveable? I think we are conflicted about that. There is so much in the world that is violent and abusive. God loves the world. I just find that astonishing. God sends the most precious part of himself, a one and only, an un-replaceable Son, into the world. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, beginning as a baby, conceived by an unwed mother who gave birth in a barn. What an interesting way to show love. He became one of us, even one of the least of us.

Who is the world? I am the world. We are the world. God became vulnerable to us. The Almighty chooses to be vulnerable.

I wonder if we could follow that example? Could we lay aside our pride? Could we love in such a sacrificial way? I wonder if that is the only way we can change the world. It goes against our natural inclinations toward self-preservation. I wonder, if we would dare to try, if we would share the DNA of the Only Begotten? I think that is what it means to be children of God.

Ephesians 5:1 (NRSV) Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children.


1 comment:

  1. Michael, I am glad you have resumed your blog, especially for these next 36 days or so. I hope that I am only one of many who will partake of it and contribute to it.

    I like what you said today, namely that God wants to give all of us peace and wholeness.

    I am reminded of when Jesus appeared to the disciples in that locked room after the resurrection. He said very little, but he said (twice): "Peace be unto you." And then he told them to go out and offer forgiveness to the world. It causes me to muse that there's not a lot of forgiveness out there, and if people don't learn about--and experience-- forgiveness from us, where else are they going to find it?

