Friday, July 29, 2005

Words Matter

Words matter.
The old cliché was that words would never hurt. The truth is that words have such great power. When someone chooses you, and says to you, “I choose you,” your world is changed. When you stand before God and friends and say, “I do,” your world is changed. If you stand before the judge and say, “I don’t,” that, too, changes the world.

We learn the power of words early. We learn the power of “no.” I had to convince my children that “no” was a very good word, but not a word that could be effectively used with mom and dad. We taught them the power of their kind words, “Please,” being the most operative.

Words matter. They are full of our shared hopes and dreams.

Barbara Brown Taylor is one of America’s preeminent preachers. She says:

“You don’t need a grand pulpit; any old housetop will do. Even the sun room will do at the nursing home, where you stand by the piano surrounded by wheelchairs full of old people. Some of those old people are dozing, some whimpering, and less than half of them are aware you are there.
Say “Resurrection!” in their presence.
Say, “Life everlasting!” say, “Remember!”
Just let those words loose in the room; just utter them in the light, and trust them to do their work. Speak to a support group for people with AIDS. Worship with them, laying hands on their heads and praying for their healing.
Say, “Mercy!” to them.
Say, “Comfort!” Say, “Beloved children of God!”
Just let those words loose in the room; just utter them and trust in their power to make people whole.

“Here’s the plan: God showed Jesus how; Jesus shows us how; we show the whole people of God how; they show the world how.”

(“Words We Tremble to Say Aloud”)

Your words matter. Your words change the world…for someone.

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